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Liberate yourself from your ToDo List

Achieve your goals with calm and confidence.

Following years of working with smart women who are full of integrity creating brilliant projects, I’ve seen a common theme: working hard is tripping them up — and they have no idea how to work differently.

Here’s who Natural Professional coaching best supports:

  • You’re a driven, creative entrepreneur, but you don’t seem to fit the mold of the aggressive, MBA-type of leader most of the advice seems geared toward.
  • Your vision wants to be out there NOW, but you’re polishing and researching and ToDo listing yourself to death. You are scared of making a mistake.
  • You want to work your way with success on your terms, but you’re having a hard time putting that into words, much less practice.

AND… you’re frustrated that you’re working all the time, feeling like you’re never getting enough done and not getting the results that you want.

Basically, you’re not as effective and efficient as you know you could be. You’ve tried various productivity systems and they never seem to be built for you. You’re sick of reading articles about “8 Things To Do Before 8am!

There is another way. It’s not in the magazines (YET).
It will change the way you look at your ToDo List forever.

Gone are the epic, neverending lists that make you feel inadequate. (I’m not saying that you’ll never have another ToDo List — I’m saying that it will no longer be in the inappropriate role of tyrant of your week.)

The Natural Professional methodology is three-fold:

  1. Envisioning is the cornerstone. Awareness of what you are bringing forth and how you are showing up is the New Way. Being grounded in your vision, makes decision-making immensely easier, keeps your priorities sharp, and amps up your confidence.

  3. The RAP (Review and Planning) Session is the bridge between your Vision and the realities of your week. You’ll reach your goals faster when every task supports your Vision.

  5. Mindful personal energy management practices honor your well-being so that you stay happy and healthy while getting the right stuff done.

“After the visioning session with Shawn (when doing launch activities for my latest novel) I was bolder in my asks of other people, more confident in the product I produced, and zippier and lighter in my communication. “I know you’re gonna like this and I liked making it for you” kinda attitude. And I have to admit, it felt pretty damn good, especially when the sales numbers mirrored my attitude.”

Author Betsy Talbot

Our Objective in working together

Develop the strategies and practices that will keep you calm, confident, and on-purpose while you create your legacy in the world.

I will create a customized program based on your needs using the Natural Professional Coaching Methodology. This might include any or all of the following:

  • clarifying your vision and create your inspiration key
  • learning the unrolling method to connect your vision with your ToDo List
  • establishing a routine to support your creative work based on your creative process and rhythms
  • developing a transition strategy to minimize stress triggers and wasting energy between activities
  • developing a schedule buffer strategy to support spaciousness in your week
  • creating a customized weekly RAP (Review and Planning) Session to prep you for the upcoming week

“I was TIRED of working haphazardly. My business was great, but scattered. I felt behind all the time and unable to focus on tasks until there was a looming deadline. My wake up call was missing out on potential clients and opportunities/sales.

I now feel on top of my game and have the confidence of knowing I can do this and it’s possible. My energy level is much better because I haven’t wasted so much from being stressed and unfocused.”

J.R. Real Estate Agent

There’s no reason to go it alone and, in case you didn’t get the memo, the day of the Lone Wolf is over. You’ve got inspired work to put out in the world, and the world needs it Now. Besides, it’s faster and way more fun to have someone at your side. =)

You’re going to say: I feel so much lighter and on-track!
You’re going to shake your head and marvel: I can’t believe it was so easy.
You’re going to hoot and holla: I love the sweet taste of success!
You’re going to smile big, set your next goal and shout: Bring it!

The short story: You have an empire to build and I’ve got tools to help you jam.

The nitty gritty

  • Weekly, hour-long conversations over phone or Skype.
  • Email support in between appointments.
  • $750/month.
  • Initial 3-month minimum commitment
  • Money back guarantee: Full refund given if not happy with results of first session.

Develop the strategies and practices that will keep you calm, confident and in your heart while you create your legacy of goodness in the world.

Note: I’m completely booked right now. If you’d like to connect when sched opens up again (probably in August) please send me a note through the contact page



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