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Do you have the right “stuff”? Things *can* make us happy

[Warning: this post involves sensitive imagery of out-of-season veggies] Did you know that one the most dangerous things in your kitchen is a DULL knife? Not only is it dangerous, it’s downright hazardous to your emotional state. Observe: There you are making a most gorgeous salad. Fresh greens, the perfect avocado, a sprinkling of feta… […]


3 Tips for a smooth Daylight Savings transition

The latest video is on Daylight Savings Time. Namely: when it is, tools for the location independents and anyone who’s got clients or regular calls outside of your timezone, and a mindfulness exercise for anyone who, ya know, kind of bitches and moans about losing an hour (ahem!) You can watch the video here, or […]


A Simple Tool to Stay True to You

Getting ready for the World Domination Summit in Portland includes strategizing on how to keep the peace (in myself). Using the Natural Professional Matrix, in this video I show you an easy-to-use tool to Keep the Peace (in yourself). While I’m talking about peace here, you can use it for purpose, passion and peace!


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