As a natural professional, I don’t like to admit that my wrists are sore from too much computer keyboarding, that I’m hardly doing any yoga, and cooking is a once a week endeavor (if that). Walks or biking, fuhgettaboutit.
Granted that when you go through a big push, like launching a new website, this is acceptable behavior. And maybe a week after the launch to tie up loose ends. And maybe a week after that…
Doh! that was a trick. Were you ready to go along? Waiting to see how compelling the argument was going to be?
The frightening power of the mundane…
I had coffee on Friday with a friend who told me about some physical back issues she’s been dealing with over the last couple of months.
I asked her if she was doing some kind of yoga or low-impact stretching and back strengthening class of some sort.
“When?! I work all day then get home and have to take the dog for a walk, make dinner, and there are certainly going to be emails from the org that I’m president of and I can’t respond to those during the day…” and so on.
Whoa, Nelly!!
Taking care of your canine friend is important, but your long term back health and mobility is critical!
Here’s the thing. We can:
- ALWAYS come up with excuses to not do the Good Work
- ALWAYS come up with excuses to do the busy-ness activities that never end
Whether it’s your health, your art, or anything else that makes your life hum more sweetly, it’s up to you to set boundaries, rearrange your schedule, or recalibrate your thought process to make it happen.
Q: What Good Work aren’t you doing?
Q: What busy-ness is filling up your time?
And most importantly,
Q: What are you going to do about it?
I drafted up this post on Friday, four days ago. It inspired me to get out and enjoy a gorgeous weekend complete with bike ride and hike at the river. =)
Want accountability or support? Share what you’re going to do below in the comments.