Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D. is a health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University, and a leading expert on the mind-body relationship.
She is an accomplished author, teacher, and expert on willpower and compassion.
In this interview, you’ll hear how compassion plays a huge role in your success as a business owner.
- How self-compassion affects your ability to rebound after a setback.
- How compassion helps you get more out of negotiation.
And of special interest to the natural professional, you’ll hear
- How she has carved her path on her terms.
- The importance of process (not just the end result) in choosing to take on a project.
I had the honor of talking with her at the Wisdom 2.0 Conference and greatly enjoyed her approach, which is passionate, insightful and relevant to daily life—all at the same time.
Interview with Kelly McGonigal (mp3)
To the Natural Professional’s Authentic Success Podcast in iTunes.
Connect with or find out more about Kelly:
- her books, including newly published The Willpower Instinct
- website:
- Twitter @kellymcgonigal
- article ref’d in interview: Why Stress Makes It Difficult to Change a Habit — And What You Can Do About It
- Stanford’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education
Podcast music credit:
Osculate (orbit sensation) feat.
Kaer Trouz by shagrugge is licensed under a Noncommercial Sampling Plus.