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The New WoW Summit Speaker FAQs

I’m so looking forward to your participation in the New WoW Summit!

Basic Details

Title The New WoW* Summit
*Way of Working
Tagline The natural way of being in business

Intention To inspire and empower creative entrepreneurs (primarily women) to root more deeply in their personal power in ways that directly relate to success in their biz.
Dates of event Dec. 28 – Jan 1
Promo period Dec. 7 – Dec 28
Presentation format Interview-conversation style, audio only
Expected # of speakers 10 – 12
Expected # of registrants 4,000 – 6,000 (possibly more!)
Interviews to be pre-recorded in December (or November, if needed)
Interview length 45 minutes +/-

Kick-ass Crew (confirmed speakers)

Bari Tessler Linden, Beth Buelow, Betsy Talbot, Jamie Ridler, Lisa Schrader, Liz Lamoreux, Margaret Nichols, Randi Buckley, Shawn Fink, Shawn Tuttle, Tara Gentile

What you’ll get as a speaker
  • Invitation to a virtual cocktail hours with your fellow New WoW speakers.
  • Option to offer a free gift, connected to an invitation to join your list (details below)
  • Option to be an affiliate for the summit recordings (details below).

Each speaker for the event has practiced what I’m calling New Way principles in their work in a way that contributes to their success. Principles such as compassion, mindfulness, self-awareness, empathy, self-care, acknowledgement, and gratitude translate into:

  • building support structures for our biz and our selves
  • trusting our inner wisdom as much as our expertise
  • listening to our intuition and cues from our body
  • a whole range of other tools and practices

I’ll ask questions that draw out your experiences with these and how they’ve translated into your work. If there’s one (or more) that especially resonates with you, please let me know! We’ll finalize your specific topic/angle together prior to our interview.

Understanding that these topics can get very vague, very quickly =) I want to be sure to span from concept to practice. Thus, I ask that you provide a tool or exercise for your session (I’m happy to brainstorm with you).


To make our session as actionable as possible, we’ll also be putting together a practical workbook of tools that listeners can fashion into their own toolbox. This will include the tool or exercise you share during our conversation.

You are welcome to offer an additional free gift, that we will link to, in order to give participants an opportunity to join your list as well.

The Value-Packed Intention

We’ve all heard stories of virtual events that sound more like an advertisement than a deep conversation. Rest assured, this is to be a content-rich program! I want people to walk away feeling empowered and delighted with the level of value they got for their time investment.


We’ll provide (good!) promo copy and images that you can either copy + paste, or weave into your own messaging.

We’re hoping that you’ll be excited enough about this program to mention it in at least 2 emails* to your community as well as share it abundantly via social media. I’m confident that your peeps will gain immensely from the content!

*This is not a “required solo” request. I understand that your relationship with your good peeps is precious. You know them best and know the best way to share info with them.

Of course, we will also be promoting the summit with verve and wild abandon.

New WoW DIY Retreat & Affiliate Program

The recorded conversations will be accessible for free during the week of the Summit. Registered participants will also be able to download the practical tools and bonus materials you, the other speakers and myself provide at no cost during that week.

Afterwards, audio sessions + practical tools + bonus materials will be available for online, digital sale for $97 as a “New WoW DIY Retreat”.

The affiliate cut will be in two tiers:

  • 50% Speakers, in appreciation of your generous contribution to the program
  • 25% General Affiliates

We’ll automatically enroll you in the affiliate program unless you tell us not to.

Any other questions?

Shoot me an email or schedule a call.

And if you want to know more about the concept driving the Summit, I’ve got some working copy here.


I’m immensely passionate about bringing the New Way of Working to the greater community. With your contribution, the event becomes that much richer and comprehensive. Thank you from the depths of my heart for your participation and I look forward to working with you!

Copyright © 2020 The Natural Professional