“The Book” has been brewing for more than four years. I remember my first get-to-know-you conversation with my sweetie Mark (three years ago!) at Summerthyme’s Bakery. I told him I was working on a book about “letting it be easy”.
Over the next several months, being the kind, supportive guy that he is, Mark would periodically ask me how the book was coming along. After hearing myself repeatedly give the same vague, minimal-progress report, I finally ‘fessed up to the reality that it just wasn’t happening at that time.
There was a major overarching element missing, something that would tie together the seemingly disparate aspects of productivity tools and quasi-metaphysical life improvement. How did it all work together?!? I wasn’t sure.
The missing piece, at last
A little later, the concept of the Natural Professional hit me like a lightening bolt–the missing element, found. “Working in the flow of your authentic self” could definitely combine improving your inner experience with developing excellent productivity habits! (You can read the first article I wrote about the NP .)
A proposal
Skipping to this past fall, I was provided with an amazing opportunity (and challenge) to put my intentions to paper. It turns out that a very nice german man named Matthias Schossig, who I met in djembe drumming class, is a foreign-rights licensing agent (this basically means a literary agent for Germany and some other European countries). He offered to take my book proposal to the Frankfurt Book Fair–huge!! Better get one written… =)
With major help from Jim Phelps, marketing strategist, I kicked out the proposal for The Natural Professional in a month. Matthias took the proposal to Germany and found some interest–nothing has been secured as of yet. Whether published first in the U.S. or abroad, the next step is clear: get this baby written.
This is where you come in. I want this book to be rich, helpful, inspiring–it is the handbook for the emerging Natural Professional, after all! I have a vision, you are the reality check. I’ve got the ideas, you’ve got the stories. I’m dedicated to pulling it together, your participation gives the support to keep it rolling.
Click here for How this book project is going to roll get involved in this groovy project!